Don't Close Your Heart


Finally had time to read The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer.
Loved it and can easily see why so many people rave about it.
One of the best books I’ve read and I highly recommend!
It’s mainly centered around beautiful and truthful philosophies regarding letting the energy of life pass through you without clinging to ‘good’ stuff or resisting ‘bad’ stuff.
If you don’t, energy gets stuck, blocked and stored until you deal with it.
At the beginning of the book Singer writes a bit about our society’s tendency to close our hearts.
But this also disrupts your personal energy flow
and the beautiful impact you can have on the world in your daily life.
So don’t close your heart!
If you protect yourself you will never be free.
If you protect yourself you will never grow.
You can get The Untethered Soul on Amazon HERE.